Monday, January 31, 2011

신년 프로그램 (new year plan)

하하 ..

my new year plan ..

음 ..  i did not plan it but , my father plan it ..

and his 3 best friend will go along too ..

but honestly , i hope to go with my family only .

haha .. nvm , i'll bring my father and mother go next time .

어떻게  ? i'm so happy because new year ,

i buy 7 shirt , 4 pants ,a beach bag , a pair of sport shoe , and a beautiful and comfortable PJ mas ..

ㅋㅋ ..!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

happy new year ..! 새해 복 많이 받으십시오

아이구 !

new year is coming ,

i'm so happy .

haven buy enough new year shirt .

today i will go with my family ,

happy ..!

hope we will go 파빌리온 agian .!

행복하게 ! 후 우 ..!